
Gonotec™ Messgefäße für Gefrierpunktosmometer Osmomat 030/010 (VE=1000Stck.)

Messgefäße für GefrierpunktosmometerOsmomat 030/010 (VE=1000Stck.)

Osmette™ A Osmometer

Automatic digital osmometers measure osmolality in mOsm/kg H2O. Osmette A Osmometer uses the freezing point depression method to provide a quick, accurate indication of total concentration. Instruments measure freezing points of solutions to 0.001°C, then directly translate them to measure of concentration. Osmette A Model: 5002

Advanced Instruments Osmometer-Kalibrierstandards

Calibration standards for use with Advanced osmometers X10 KALIBRATIONSSTANDARD 1.500 MOSM/KG
