Antibiotici, tamponi e integratori

Gibco™ Trypsin-EDTA (0.05%), phenol red

Gibco™ Trypsin-EDTA (0.05%), phenol red

Made from trypsin powder, an irradiated mixture of proteases derived from porcine pancreas

Corning™ Matrice di membrana Matrigel™ GFR

Corning™ Matrice di membrana Matrigel™ GFR

Per produrre una matrice biologicamente attiva che assomiglia alla matrice basale cellulare dei mammiferi. La matrice di membrana basale Corning™ Matrigel™ GFR fornisce un ambiente fisiologicamente rilevante per studi di morfologia cellulare, funzione biochimica, migrazione, invasione ed espressione dei geni.

Gibco™ Trypsin-EDTA (0.25%), phenol red

Gibco™ Trypsin-EDTA (0.25%), phenol red

Made from trypsin powder, irradiated mixture of proteases derived from porcine pancreas

Gibco™ ACK Lysing Buffer

Gibco™ ACK Lysing Buffer

Used for the lysis of red blood cells in samples containing white blood cells, such as EDTA-treated whole blood, buffy coats, and bone marrow

Gibco™ GlutaMAX™ Supplement

Gibco™ GlutaMAX™ Supplement

An alternative to L-glutamine, with increased stability that improves cell health

Corning™ Matrice qualificata hESC Matrigel™

Corning™ Matrice qualificata hESC Matrigel™

Compatibile con mTeSR™1 - Sviluppato da StemCell Technologies. La matrice qualificata hESC Corning™ Matrigel™ è ampiamente accettata come substrato alternativo per colture di cellule ES e per cellule staminali pluripotenti indotte (iPS) umane.

Gibco™ L-Glutamine (200 mM)

Gibco™ L-Glutamine (200 mM)

Ready-to-use stock solution that acts as a cell culture supplement

Corning™ Cell Recovery Solution

Corning™ Cell Recovery Solution

Allows for the recovery of cells cultured on Corning™ Matrigel™ Basement Membrane Matrix for subsequent biochemical analyses

Corning™ Colorante cellgro™ Trypan Blue

Corning™ Colorante cellgro™ Trypan Blue

Per un'ampia gamma di metodi di conteggio cellulare che richiedono informazioni sul conteggio e la vitalità cellulare.

Corning™ Matrice di membrana Matrigel™

Corning™ Matrice di membrana Matrigel™

Per produrre una matrice biologicamente attiva che assomiglia alla matrice basale cellulare dei mammiferi. La matrice di membrana basale Corning™ Matrigel™ fornisce un ambiente fisiologicamente rilevante per studi di morfologia cellulare, funzione biochimica, migrazione, invasione ed espressione dei geni.

Corning™ Collante cellulare e tissutale Cell-Tak

Corning™ Collante cellulare e tissutale Cell-Tak

Per far aderire cellule o sezioni di tessuto a diversi tipi di superfici, inclusi plastica, vetro, metallo, PTFE e materiali biologici. Il collante cellulare e tissutale Corning™ Cell-Tak è una soluzione proteica ottenuta mediante formulazione speciale estratta da un mitilo marino, il Mytilus edulis.

Corning™ Supplemento per colture universale ITS Premix

Corning™ Supplemento per colture universale ITS Premix

Per stimolare la proliferazione di numerose cellule in condizioni a ridotto contenuto di siero. Il supplemento per colture universale Corning™ ITS Premix contiene insulina, transferrina umana e acido selenioso, i tre componenti essenziali universali di un terreno di coltura definito.

Gibco™ Distilled Water

Gibco™ Distilled Water

High-quality water for use as a solvent in the preparation of cell culture media and laboratory reagents

Gibco™ Trypsin (2.5%), no phenol red

Gibco™ Trypsin (2.5%), no phenol red

Made from trypsin powder, an irradiated mixture of proteases derived from porcine pancreas

Gibco™ Trypan Blue Solution, 0.4%

Gibco™ Trypan Blue Solution, 0.4%

Routinely used as a cell stain to assess cell viability using the dye exclusion test

Gibco™ Insulin-Transferrin-Selenium-Ethanolamine (ITS -X) (100X)

Gibco™ Insulin-Transferrin-Selenium-Ethanolamine (ITS -X) (100X)

A basal medium supplement to reduce the amount of fetal bovine serum (FBS) needed to culture cells

Gibco™ TrypLE™ Express Enzyme (1X), phenol red

Gibco™ TrypLE™ Express Enzyme (1X), phenol red

Animal origin-free, recombinant enzyme

Gibco™ MEM Non-Essential Amino Acids Solution (100X)

Gibco™ MEM Non-Essential Amino Acids Solution (100X)

Used as a growth supplement for cell culture medium, to increase cell growth and viability

Corning™ Trace Elements

Corning™ Trace Elements

For Research applications

Gibco™ Insulin-Transferrin-Selenium (ITS -G) (100X)

Gibco™ Insulin-Transferrin-Selenium (ITS -G) (100X)

A basal medium supplement to reduce the amount of fetal bovine serum (FBS) needed to culture cells

Corning™ Supplemento per colture universale ITS+ Premix

Corning™ Supplemento per colture universale ITS+ Premix

Stimulates proliferation of a variety of cells under serum-reduced conditions. Corning™ ITS+ Premix Universal Culture Supplement contains insulin, human transferrin and selenous acid, the three most universally esential components of defined culture media.

Gibco™ Pluronic™ F-68 Non-ionic Surfactant (100X)

Gibco™ Pluronic™ F-68 Non-ionic Surfactant (100X)

A non-ionic surfactant used to control shear forces in suspension cultures

Corning™ Nu-Serum™ IV Growth Medium Supplement

Corning™ Nu-Serum™ IV Growth Medium Supplement

Provides a low-serum alternative to newborn calf, fetal bovine, and other sera used for cell culture

Gibco™ TrypLE™ Express Enzyme (1X), no phenol red

Gibco™ TrypLE™ Express Enzyme (1X), no phenol red

Unlike porcine trypsin, free of animal-derived components

Invitrogen™ pHrodo™ BioParticles™ Conjugates for Phagocytosis and Phagocytosis Kit, for Flow Cytometry

Invitrogen™ pHrodo™ BioParticles™ Conjugates for Phagocytosis and Phagocytosis Kit, for Flow Cytometry

Achieve faster and more accurate results in phagocytosis assays with pHrodo BioParticles conjugates and kit. pHrodo BioParticles conjugates fluoresce brightly in endosomes and lysosomes, do not require wash steps or quencher dye, can be multiplexed, and are used in flow cytometry, HCA, and HTS.

Gibco™ Insulin-Transferrin-Selenium-Sodium Pyruvate (ITS-A) (100X)

Gibco™ Insulin-Transferrin-Selenium-Sodium Pyruvate (ITS-A) (100X)

A basal medium supplement to reduce the amount of fetal bovine serum (FBS) needed to culture cells
