Rolling Apparatus

Wheaton™ Bench-Top Small Bottle Roller Apparatus

For cell cultivation research and pilot applications. Wheaton™ Bench-Top Small Bottle Roller Apparatus allows for use with glass or plastic roller bottles.
Roller culture system Wheaton bench top single

Wheaton™ Bench-Top Mini-Bottle Roller Apparatus

For cell cultivation research or staining procedures. Wheaton™ Bench-Top Mini-Bottle Roller Apparatus allows for serum and media bottles, as well as culture tubes. ROLLER CULTURE SYSTEM WHEATON BENCH TOP SINGLEdeck for fourbottles for tissue culture roller

DWK Life Sciences Wheaton™ Deck Kit for Compact Roller System for Mini Bottles


DWK Life Sciences Wheaton™ Deck Kit for Compact Roller System for Small Bottles

Each deck holds two roller bottles ROLLER CULTURE SYSTEM WHEATON DECK KIT FOR SMALLbottle roller systems

DWK Life Sciences Wheaton™ Installation Kit for Wheaton™ Bottom-Drive R2P 2.0 Roller Apparatus

With automatic battery backup and dual temperature sensors/alarm TEMP SENSORS AND BATTERY KIT R2P 2.0 BDR

DWK Life Sciences Wheaton™ Installation Kit for Wheaton™ Top-Drive R2P 2.0 Roller Apparatus

With automatic battery backup and dual temperature sensors/alarm TEMP SENSORS AND BATTERY KIT R2P 2.0 TDR

DWK Life Sciences Wheaton™ Installation Kit for Wheaton™ Bottom-Drive Standard Roller Apparatus

With belt break alarm and automatic battery backup Module Alarm WSR Bot drive

DWK Life Sciences Wheaton™ Additional Decks for Modular R2P Roller Culture Apparatus

Scale up from research to production quantities without having to change equipment and revalidate protocols R2P DECK WHEATON SCIENCE PRODUCTS W348889 WITH 5positions for field installation

DWK Life Sciences Wheaton™ Compact Roller System for Mini Bottles

Designed for small-scale mixing and agitation, this space-saving roller is ideal for use in standard incubators and in coldrooms 120 VAC BENCHTOP R

IKA™ Continuous Operation Rocking and Rolling Action Roller Shakers

Roller shakers with six or ten rollers for a wider range of applications, especially in the medical and biological field. IKA™ Continuous Operation Rocking and Rolling Action Roller Shakers provide smooth rocking and rolling action at infinitely adjustable speeds. Roller shaker with 10 rolls, digital IKA
