Placing an Order

Order By Catalog Number
Order By Product Code is the quickest, most efficient way to place an order if you know the unique item number. This feature enables you to create an entire order by entering the Fisher Scientific or manufacturer catalog number, quantity and selecting the unit of measure. The Order By Product Code link is found in the top navigation of every page.

Cart Check Out
When you are ready to check out, click the Shopping Cart icon, located on the blue bar at the top of the site next to Your Account.

During the checkout process you will have the opportunity to:

  • View your cart
  • Review shipping information
  • Designate a payment method (credit card, account, etc.)
  • Verify and submit your order

Using My Lists
Use this feature to create a list of products that you repeatedly order. You must be signed in to access this feature from the Your Account menu. You may create multiple lists, add products to your list directly from the product page or the shopping cart.

Purchasing from a Quote
From your shopping cart, click on Progress Order. In step 1, enter your quote number in the Additional Comments field.

Tracking an Order

Order Status Tabs

  • Order status results are sorted into three tabs for convenience:
    •     Orders — view results by order
    •     Items — view results by items contained in orders
    •     Invoices — view invoice information

Enhanced Search Capability

  • Enter any search term and instantly search for matching orders from over 30 data fields
  • Customise the date range, or refine search results to view orders in increments of 30 days, six months, 12 months, or previous years

Account View Options

  • You may view all order data for your associated account(s)

Filter Results

  • Filter search results by status or P.O. number

Order History Reports

  • Instantly download order history reports for recently purchased items

Reorder Online

  • Immediately reorder past orders from the order details page