Enzymes and Inhibitors

Thermo Scientific™ CpoI (RsrII)

The CpoI (RsrII) restriction enzyme recognizes CG^GWCCG sites and cuts best at 37°C in Tango buffer (Isoschizomers: CspI, Rsr2I, RsrII). 1000 UNIT RESTRICTION ENZYME, CONVENTIONAL, CPOI(RsrII), 10u/uL, cuts CG¬GWCCG at 37°C (supplied

Thermo Scientific™ 50X TAE Buffer (Tris-acetate-EDTA)

Optimize electrophoresis of both genomic and large supercoiled DNA in agarose and polyacrylamide gels with Thermo Scientific™ 50X TAE Buffer (Tris-acetate-EDTA). 1 LT 50X TAE BUFFER (TRIS-ACETATE-EDTA), 1X CONCENtration includes 40 mM Tris, 20 mM acetic acid, 1

Thermo Scientific™ BpiI (BbsI)

Cut GAAGAC(2/6)^ sites with BpiI (BbsI) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in G buffer (Isoschizomers: BbsI, BpuAI, BstV2I). RESTRICTION ENZYME, CONVENTIONAL, BPII (BBSI),10u/ul, cuts GAAGAC(2/6)¬ at 37°C (supplied with

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest AscI (SgsI)

Cut at GG^CGCGCC sites with Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ AscI (SgsI), which performs best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer (Isoschizomers: PalAI). Restriction enzyme, FastDigest SgsI, 100µL

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest SapI (LguI)

Perform single-, double- or multiple DNA digestion within 5-15 minutes with this advanced line of restriction enzymes, 100% active in one universal buffer. Restriction enzyme, FastDigest LguI, 20µL

Thermo Scientific™ PstI

The PstI restriction enzyme recognizes CTGCA^G sites and cuts best at 37°C in O buffer (Isoschizomers: BspMAI). PSTI 10U/UL 5X3000U

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest MluI

Perform single-, double- or multiple DNA digestion within 5-15 minutes withthis advanced line of restriction enzymes, 100% active in one universal buffer. FASTDIGEST MLUI 100UL

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest NheI

Perform single-, double- or multiple DNA digestion within 5-15 minutes withthis advanced line of restriction enzymes, 100% active in one universal buffer. 100 UL RESTRICTION ENZYME, FASTDIGEST, NHEI, CUTSG¬CTAGC, 1µL cleaves 1µg DNA in 5 minutes at 37°C

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ DpnI

Cut at Gm6A^TC sites with Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ DpnI, which performs best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer (Isoschizomers: MalI). 100 UL RESTRICTION ENZYME, FASTDIGEST, DPNI, CUTSGA¬TC, 1µL cleaves 1µg DNA in 5 minutes at 37°C

Thermo Scientific™ Acc65I (Asp718I)

Cut at G^GTACC sites with Acc65I (Asp718I) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in O buffer (Isoschizomers: Asp718I). RESTRICTION ENZYME, CONVENTIONAL, ACC65I (ASP718I), 10u/ul, cuts G¬GTACC at 37°C (supplied with2mL

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ EcoRI

The FastDigest EcoRI restriction enzyme recognizes G^AATTC sites and cuts best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer. FASTDIGEST ECORI 800UL

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest KpnI

Perform single-, double- or multiple DNA digestion within 5-15 minutes withthis advanced line of restriction enzymes, 100% active in one universal buffer. FASTDIGEST KPNI 300UL

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest SalI

Perform single-, double- or multiple DNA digestion within 5-15 minutes with this advanced line of restriction enzymes, 100% active in one universal buffer. FASTDIGEST SALI 200UL

OPTIZYME™ AatII, Fisher BioReagents™

Optizyme Aat II restriction enzyme

Thermo Scientific™ HpaII

The HpaII restriction enzyme recognizes C^CGG sites and cuts best at 37°C in Tango buffer. HPAII 10U/UL 5000U

Thermo Scientific™ BseNI (BsrI)

Cut at ACTGG(1/-1)^ sites with BseNI (BsrI) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 65°C in B buffer (Isoschizomers: Bse1I, BsrI, BsrSI). BSENI (BSRI) 10U/UL 5000U

Thermo Scientific™ BamHI

The BamHI restriction enzyme recognizes G^GATCC sites and cuts best at 37°C in its own unique buffer. BAMHI 10U/UL 10000U

Thermo Scientific™ BcnI (NciI)

Cut at CC^SGG sites with BcnI (NciI) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in Tango buffer (Isoschizomers: AsuC2I, BpuMI, NciI). BCNI (NCII) 10U/UL 1000U

Thermo Scientific™ 10x Buffer Tango

Ensure the optimum reaction conditions for restriction enzymes with Thermo Scientific™ 10X Buffer Tango, premixed with BSA for enhanced stability. X5 10X Buffer Tango Unit Size 5x1.0 mL

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest SbfI (SdaI)

Perform single-, double- or multiple DNA digestion within 5-15 minutes with this advanced line of restriction enzymes, 100% active in one universal buffer. Restriction enzyme, FastDigest SdaI, 20µL

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest AgeI (BshTI)

Cut at A^CCGGT sites with Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ AgeI (BshTI), which performs best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer. Restriction enzyme, FastDigest BshTI, 20µL

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest ApaI

Cut at GGGCC^C sites with Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ ApaI, which performs best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer (Isoschizomers: PspOMI). FASTDIGEST APAI 300UL

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest HpaI (KspAI)

Perform single-, double- or multiple DNA digestion within 5-15 minutes withthis advanced line of restriction enzymes, 100% active in one universal buffer. Restriction enzyme, FastDigest KspAI, 50µL

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ EheI

Cut at GGC^GCC sites with Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ EheI, which performs best using universal FastDigest Buffer (Isoschizomers: BbeI, DinI, EgeI, KasI, Mly113I, NarI, SfoI). 20 UL RESTRICTION ENZYME, FASTDIGEST, EHEI, CUTSGGC¬GCC, 1µL cleaves 1µg DNA in 5 minutes at 37°C

Invitrogen™ Anza™ 32 ApaI

Simplify traditional restriction enzyme cloning with the Invitrogen™ Anza™ Restriction Enzyme Cloning System. X4000 Anza 32 ApaI

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest BspMI (BveI)

Cut at ACCTGC(4/8)^ sites with Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ BspMI (BveI), which performs best using universal FastDigest Buffer (Isoschizomers: Acc36I, BfuAI). Restriction enzyme, FastDigest BveI, 50µL

Thermo Scientific™ NdeI

The NdeI restriction enzyme recognizes CA^TATG sites and cuts best at 37°C in O buffer (Isoschizomers: FauNDI). NDEI 10U/UL 500U

Thermo Scientific™ AarI

Cut at CACCTGC(4/8)^ sites with AarI restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in its own unique (+oligo) buffer. AARI 2U/UL 125U

Invitrogen™ Anza™ 11 EcoRI

Simplify traditional restriction enzyme cloning with the Invitrogen™ Anza™ Restriction Enzyme Cloning System. Anza 11 EcoRI (8000 units)

Invitrogen™ Anza™ 78 AdeI

Simplify traditional restriction enzyme cloning with the Invitrogen™ Anza™ Restriction Enzyme Cloning System. 800UNIT ANZA 78 ADEI (DRAIII)
